bot_kill | Membunuh semua bot ( langsung menang jika bom belum terpasang) |
restart | restart map without losing any goals |
cl_levellocks 16382 | Bring down the All Deleted Scenes |
sv_cheats 1 | Enables cheats |
god | Tidak terlihat |
noclip | Tembus tembok |
notarget | Musuh tidak bisa melihat mu |
bot_zombie 1 | Bot hanya diam tidak bergerak |
bot_pistols_only | bot hanya akan membeli pistol |
kick | kick the bots |
bot_sniper_only | bot hanya membeli snipers |
bot_goto_mark #number | membuat bot bergerak ke tempat tertentua |
bot_difficulty | set tingkat kesulitan bot |
bot_knives_only 1 | Bot hanya memakai pisau |
Fly | bisa terbang ^_^ |
sv_gravity # | Ganti "#" dengan nomor dan akan merubah gravitasi. Deaf = 800. |
mp_c4timer # | Ganti "3" dengan nomor untuk merubah timer C4. Deaf= 45. |
mp_friendlyfire # | Ganti "#" dengan angka 1 atau 0 untuk merubah Friendly Fire. 1=On 0=Off. |
mp_startmoney # | Ganti "#" dengan angka untuk merubah jumlah uang. Deaf = 800. |
career_end_round | Mengakhiri pertempuran (kalah). |
career_restart | Restarts Pertempuran. |
bot_zombie # | Ganti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 untuk membuat bot brjalan atau berhenti. 1=Moving 0=Non-Moving. |
bot_difficulty | Set the BOTS difficulties. |
bot_knives_only 1# | Ganti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 membuat bot hanya memakai pisau. 1=Only Knives 0=Not just knives. Deaf = 0. |
v | Uang Maksimal |
mp_freeztime | Menghentikan waktu, pemain masih tetap biasa bergerak. |
sv_gravity | set gravitasi, semakin rendah # artinya kamu akan terlihat melayang, semakin tinggi # semakin berat berjalan dan jika jatuh damage nya lebih besar. |
bot_stop 1 | Makes the bot's stand still. |
bot_allow_rogues 0 | Menghentikan inisiatif bot, mereka akan patuh perintah mu. |
bot_defer_to_human 0 | bot tidak akan menunggumu untuk menyelamatkan sandera, memasang bom atau menjinakkan bom. |
mp_startmoney 16000 | Keuangan maksimal. |
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 1 | Menjadi Terrorist setelah mati |
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 2 | Menjadi Counter-Terrorist setelah mati |
impulse 101 | Doesn't give you more weapons. Instead gives you full money. |
+graph | Shows a little information on the very bottom right of your screen |
-graph | Disables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on |
sv_restartround 1 | game restart setelah 1 detik |
decalfrequency 0 | Enables unlimited spraying |
gl_spriteblend <0-1> | Enables blood thickening on or off. 0 = Off. 1 = On |
cl_righthand <0-1> | Merubah tangan yg memegang senjata. 0 = tangan kiri. 1 = tangan kanan. |
mp_autoteambalance <0-1> | Enables auto-team balance. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
mp_autokick <0-1> | Enables the local player to automatically kick other players. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
hud_deathnoticetime # | You can see the last deaths of players on the specified seconds. |
sv_clienttrace # | Peluru tembus tembok. |
mp_fadetoblack <0-1> | When set to 0, the screen will be black when any player from the server is dead. Switch to 1 to disable. |
quit | Automatically ends the game and quits Condition Zero |
disconnect | Automatically ends the game but doesn't quit Condition Zero |
clear | Erases all the whole messages in the console. |
list | Lists available servers to participate in. |
alias "" "" | Executes the command by just entering the in the console. |
sv_restart 1 | game restarts setelah 1 detik (sama dengan "sv_restartround 1"). |
mp_tkpunish <0-1> | When enabled, bots/players who kills their teammate(s) will die on the next round. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
mp_hostagepenalty | Automatically kicks the bot/player if he kills so many hostages according to the value. Put 0 to disable. |
maxplayers | Set maximum players saat membuat new multiplayer game. Hanya berlaku sebelum perang di mulai. |
+commandmenu | Displays commands for faster use on the left side of your screen. |
-commandmenu | Enter this code if you have "+commandmenu" activated only. |
autobuy | Secara otomatis membeli senjata terbaik untuk tim kamu. AK-47 jika T dan M4A1 jika CT. |
timerefresh | Refreshes time on the console. |